Loco Fashion
Monday, March 3, 2014
Becoming a model
How to get started:
Before you get started doing anything, you should ask yourself these questions as they will help guide you for the rest of the process.
What do I want to get out of modeling?
What am I willing to put into becoming a model
What kind of model do I want to be? Fashion, Runway, swimsuit, sport,etc.
How flexible am I for traveling and for time
Once you evaluate these questions, There is two ways you can go. One is to contact a modeling agency which I will explain below. The other method is to act like your own agency and create your own portfolio. This is easily done over the internet, now with several places in which you can post pictures, and information on yourself to attract talent scouts.
If you choose to go the traditional route and to work with a modeling agency, It can be hard at times to know first of all how to find a good one, and what to look for in a modeling agency. You can easily look up and find agencies in phone books or online,etc. Before you do any of that, I would recommend contacting anyone you know, that is a model, and finding out about some of the experiences that they have had with modeling and general, and also specifically with different agencies in your area. Once you have a general idea of what the scene looks like, contact some of the agencies and set up an appointment to meet with them. Meeting with the agency can be the hardest and most nerve wrecking part of the whole experience. Be firm, and don’t allow the agency to take advantage of you!
Things to ask and look for are:
What have they done for other models?
What can they do for you?
Can they meet your needs as an invividual and as a model?
Does the agency have similar goals for you as the ones you have for yourself?
The final question “How to get a first photo shoot” depends on which route you take. If you go with an agency you will have to arrange with them, to have a photo shoot taken, and to start building your portfolio. If you decide to go on your own, you will have to build your own portfolio. Either by using photos that you already have, or by contacting a photographer to have a photo shoot done. I would recommend that hiring a photographer is the route to go, as it looks more professional, and the quality is much greater than simple family and friends photo’s,etc.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Hey there! For the second part of the favorite bloggers series, these are the chosen ones, or as I like to name them "the blonde ones". All exquisite and unique in their own way, with very different styles. I've been following all of these for a really long time and always loved their way of blogging. To sum things up, this time we have: Blais Eadie from Atlantic-Pacific, Sara Strand, Fanny Lyckman (both with their names as the blog's name), Kristina Bazan from Kayture and last but not least, Jessica Stein from Tuula. Take a closer look at some of my favorite outfits from the bunch and let me know, which is your favorite?
Olá olá! Para a segunda parte da série das bloggers favoritas, escolhi estas cinco, ou como gosto de as intitular "as loiras". Todas únicas e requintadas à sua maneira, com estilos bastante diferentes.Já as sigo há bastante tempo e sempre adorei a forma como escrevem e se vestem no blog. Para sumarizar, as escolhidas são: a Blair Eadie do Atlantic-Pacific, a Sara Strand, a Fanny Lyckman (ambas com os seus nomes como nome do blog), a Kristina Bazan do Kayture e por fim, a Jessica Stein do Tuula. Vejam alguns dos meus outfits favoritos de cada uma e digam-me, qual é a vossa favorita?
BLAIR EADIE (www.atlantic-pacific.blogspot.pt) - USA
SARA STRAND (www.sarastrand.no) - Norway
FANNY LYCKMAN (www.imnext.se/fannylyckman) - Sweden
KRISTINA BAZAN (www.kayture.com)- Switzerland
Blair has a signature look, her sunglasses. She knows what she's doing when in comes to matching colors and patterns. I would define her style from on the girly preppy side yet super fun!
A Blair tem um look de marca, os seus óculos de sol. Ela sabe muito bem o que está a fazer no que toca a misturar cores e padrões. Eu diria que o seu estilo é muito feminino mas super divertido!
SARA STRAND (www.sarastrand.no) - Norway
Sara, unlike Blair, is more on the tom boy neutral side. She has a totally wearable look but she pulls it off in such a cool way.
I especially love the way she styles knits and big coat. To top it all off, she is pregnant!
A Sara, ao contrário da Blair, tem um estilo mais masculino e com muitos tons neutros. Tudo o que veste é perfeitamente possível de usar e ela consegue sempre dar um toque muito cool aos seus outfits. Adoro especialmente a forma como veste camisolonas de malha e casacões de inverno. E para além de isto tudo, está grávida!
FANNY LYCKMAN (www.imnext.se/fannylyckman) - Sweden
Fanny is the coolest girl ever. She has such a laid back look that just comes out as effortless. A lot of leather pieces and funky shoes. Another thing I love about her is her hair. It's just so... cool! Just like her.
A Fanny é a blogger mais cool. Tem um look super relaxado, como se nem tivesse de fazer qualquer esforço para conjugar as peças, sai-lhe naturalmente. Muitas peças de cabedal e sapatos divertidos são o que a caracterizam mais. Outra coisa que também adoro nela é o cabelo. É tão... cool! Tal como ela.
KRISTINA BAZAN (www.kayture.com)- Switzerland
Kristina is a super elegant lady. At only 19 year's old she was already one of the most well known blogger worldwide. I have to say she is finally getting my attention back, her passion to achieve anything she puts her mind to is very inspiring but some people are not meant to do everything. I'm trying to talk about her attempt at being a singer. I just think it's not for her. She should stick to what she does best, blog.
A Kristina é uma rapariga muito elegante. Com apenas 19 anos, já era uma das bloggers mais conhecidas mundialmente. Tenho que admitir que ultimamente tem conseguido captar a minha atenção outra vez, a sua vontade e determinação são inspiradoras mas por vezes não se pode achar que conseguimos fazer tudo o que queremos. Estou a falar da tentativa de ser cantora, acho que simplemente não é para ela. Ela devia continuar a dedicar-se com toda a paixão que tem ao seu blog.
JESSICA STEIN (www.tuulavintage.com) - Australia
Jessica is my favorite from the bunch, the one I identify the most with. Her sophisticated, edgy and elegant style reminds me a lot of Gary Pepper, making them both two of my all time favorites. I also really love her photography and tavel segments on the blog. She gets to travel to the most amazing places ever, more recently Hawaii and I was totally amazed!
A Jessica é a minha favorita deste grupinho, aquela com que mais me identifico. O seu estilo sofisticado, elegante e edgy lembra-me muito a Gary Pepper e provavelmente por isso são duas das minhas mais favoritas de sempre. Adoro também os segmentos de fotografia e viagens no blog. Ela viaja a tantos sítios fantásticos, mais recentemente ao Havai e eu fiquei completamente pasmada com as fotografias e as paisagens!
Monday, February 24, 2014
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Pictures by Sofia P. (1100Days) | Faux-fur: H&M | Tee: Zara | Pants: Zara | Booties: Topshop | Bag: Mango |
Well here I am with a new outfit, and a special one I might add. This faux fur coat is just so pretty. You might have already seen it in my xmas wishlist, a while ago (if not, here it is). It is definately a keeper. It works with so many different things. From booties to loafers it just seems to do the trick every time. This bag has been a total favorite of mine lately. I have this tendency when it comes to bags, that is really annoying actually but seems to happen every time I get a new one, which is to wear it all the time. I'm just so lazy with them and never remember that I have other that might have also worked with that outfit. Am I the only one who does this? Anyways, hope you liked this look!
Bem aqui estou eu com um novo look, e um bastante especial! Esta casaco de pêlo é mesmo giro. Já o devem ter visto na minha wishlist de natal, há bastante tempo (se não viram, aqui está). É definitivamente para guardar esta preciosidade. Dá para conjugar super bem com imensas coisas. Desde botas altas a loafers, tem resultado sempre. Esta malinha é outro dos meus favoritos ultimamente. Tenho uma tendência no que toca a malas, que é simplesmente irritante, de usá-las até à exaustão quando compro uma nova. Parece que me esqueço de todas as outras que tenho e que provavelmente irão ficar tão bem ou melhor com o conjunto. Sou a única assim? Enfim, espero que tenham gostado!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014
A Guide To Streetwear Fashion
I think this article deserves a little bit of an introduction, taking in consideration it's been months since our last article. We've all been pretty busy with our lives and unfortunately in the midst of our own projects and troubles we kind of lost the motivation to write in here. However, following a meeting we had last month regarding this blog's future and our goal as a group, we decided we didn't want to give up this blog just yet. So boosting our spirits up, we decided to start writing again!
I'm very grateful for the anon that sent us a request to make a guide on streetwear fashion, and with that subject I'm breaking the hiatus officially!
To start on the topic of streetwear I should say that I get most of my inspiration from South Korea. While not everyone is a fan of Korean music, it's undeniable that the country's a leader in fashion, and although the popular styles are less flashy and crazy than what Japan's famous for, it's no less interesting. I get inspired a lot from occidental hip hop fashion too, especially aesthetics from 90's and 2000's.
This guide was built based on the different inspirations and main points I use to achieve my own looks. Of course if you think you're comfortable enough with the style, you can play around and overlook certain elements while mixing in your own!
Now let's get started~!
Streetwear is in my opinion far easier to understand than most substyles I'm accustomed to. The silhouette doesn't change much and there's usually less layering than complex styles like Pop kei and Cult Party.
The basic and most common elements of the style go as follows:
Hats: Either snapbacks, fitted caps, or beanies. 5 paneled caps and bucket hats are other popular alternative, even if they're less of a personal favorite.
Oversized everything: I like to wear really oversized tops, so i usually go for L or XL men's size. It helps accentuate the legs and makes them look thinner. Of course baggy pants work too, but what I think looks best is having a large/tight contrast, so wear something like a sports top or a tank top with them! Another option you can try is layering baggy shorts with leggings. They're sometimes a little harder to pull off depending on your body type, but don't hesitate to try it out!
Sports style socks: Mid-calf socks with stripes at the hem, or just cool designs like a repeated pattern or the brand's logo work too. The most common are the black socks with 2 or 3 white stripes.
Sneakers: They really accentuate the sporty look of the whole outfit. Be careful to not chose them too low or your legs will look shorter than they actually are. Hightops and platforms are always a safe bet and will most certainly lengthen your legs! I suggest to look at famous names like Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Puma and FILA. While they make mostly generic models, special and more fashion oriented collections like Adidas' Originals by Jeremy Scott, FILA's Ewings and Nike's Jordans are generally super interesting with creative designs.
Chunky jewelry: Big chunky gold chain necklaces, rings and bracelets went back in style with the return of the 90's trends. They're pretty easy to find at affordable prices in most mainstream accessories stores recently and of course in thrift stores.
About color combos, I usually like either all black & white, all over matching pattern, or colorful combos like in pop kei, but that's up to you guys! I've also wanted to make a pastel coord for some time but didn't get to try it out yet.
Other than that, looking at street snaps and at people on the streets where you live is an easy way to gain ideas since streetwear is worn almost everywhere around the globe!
For girl inspirations, the Uehara twins and the Hong Kong fashion icon Ruby Gloom are good exemples!
For extra exemples, here are some other looks I came up with:

There's also an infinite number of online retailers and brands available from which I made a brief selection:
(JPN) Ambush: Japanese accessory brand.
(USA) Blvck Scvle: A little bit on the darker side.
(USA) Crooks n Castles: A must.
(UK) Dope Chef: Unique designer sports wear.
(USA) Dope Couture: Simple and basic.
(USA) HUF: Simple but fun.
(USA) Joyrich: Eccentric and crazy.
(USA) King Ice: Hip hop accessory store.
(UK) KTZ: Amazing high fashion.
(KOR) Nasty Palm: Korean must.
(USA-Int.) New Era: The all-time cap provider.
(USA) Odd Future: Tyler, the Creator's brand, weird and fun.
(KOR) Sakun: Cute sports wear.
(USA) Ssur: Slowly becoming a must, the original creator of the Comme des F*ckdown design.
(USA) STAMPD: Detailed and high quality.
(USA) Stüssy: Another must.
(USA) Supreme: Streetwear big name for years.
(USA) Karmaloop
(CAN) Ssense
(CAN) VFiles
(USA) RSVPGallery
(USA) PickYourShoes
(KOR) Hiphoper
(KOR) Musinsa
(KOR) Kwin Concept Shop
(JPN) Fake Tokyo
You can start out with that, but there are hundreds of brands and possible retailers to choose from, so be curious and research a little bit! Being interested in high fashion is a good thing too!
That's about it for this time, if you have questions don't hesitate to send a message to our tumblr or comment bellow!
I'm very grateful for the anon that sent us a request to make a guide on streetwear fashion, and with that subject I'm breaking the hiatus officially!
To start on the topic of streetwear I should say that I get most of my inspiration from South Korea. While not everyone is a fan of Korean music, it's undeniable that the country's a leader in fashion, and although the popular styles are less flashy and crazy than what Japan's famous for, it's no less interesting. I get inspired a lot from occidental hip hop fashion too, especially aesthetics from 90's and 2000's.
This guide was built based on the different inspirations and main points I use to achieve my own looks. Of course if you think you're comfortable enough with the style, you can play around and overlook certain elements while mixing in your own!
Now let's get started~!
Construction of the style::
Streetwear is in my opinion far easier to understand than most substyles I'm accustomed to. The silhouette doesn't change much and there's usually less layering than complex styles like Pop kei and Cult Party.
The basic and most common elements of the style go as follows:
Hats: Either snapbacks, fitted caps, or beanies. 5 paneled caps and bucket hats are other popular alternative, even if they're less of a personal favorite.
Oversized everything: I like to wear really oversized tops, so i usually go for L or XL men's size. It helps accentuate the legs and makes them look thinner. Of course baggy pants work too, but what I think looks best is having a large/tight contrast, so wear something like a sports top or a tank top with them! Another option you can try is layering baggy shorts with leggings. They're sometimes a little harder to pull off depending on your body type, but don't hesitate to try it out!
Sports style socks: Mid-calf socks with stripes at the hem, or just cool designs like a repeated pattern or the brand's logo work too. The most common are the black socks with 2 or 3 white stripes.
Sneakers: They really accentuate the sporty look of the whole outfit. Be careful to not chose them too low or your legs will look shorter than they actually are. Hightops and platforms are always a safe bet and will most certainly lengthen your legs! I suggest to look at famous names like Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Puma and FILA. While they make mostly generic models, special and more fashion oriented collections like Adidas' Originals by Jeremy Scott, FILA's Ewings and Nike's Jordans are generally super interesting with creative designs.
Chunky jewelry: Big chunky gold chain necklaces, rings and bracelets went back in style with the return of the 90's trends. They're pretty easy to find at affordable prices in most mainstream accessories stores recently and of course in thrift stores.
About color combos, I usually like either all black & white, all over matching pattern, or colorful combos like in pop kei, but that's up to you guys! I've also wanted to make a pastel coord for some time but didn't get to try it out yet.
Where to get inspiration::
As stated earlier, I get most of my inspiration from Korean celebrities. While not necessarily having to listen to their music, you can always browse Kpop fashion blogs or look at airport fashion! For those who're unfamiliar with it, I suggest looking up celebrities like G-Dragon, SHINee's Key, Block B's Zico and the girl group Global Icon. Bangtan's stage looks are also really on point.Other than that, looking at street snaps and at people on the streets where you live is an easy way to gain ideas since streetwear is worn almost everywhere around the globe!
For girl inspirations, the Uehara twins and the Hong Kong fashion icon Ruby Gloom are good exemples!
For extra exemples, here are some other looks I came up with:

Where to shop::
You can literally shop almost everywhere for this kind of look. Thrift stores, local streetwear stores, sport stores. Don't be afraid to check out the Men's section when shopping, it's usually the best place to find large tops and designs that work well with this style. Don't be bothered by genre (never be) !!There's also an infinite number of online retailers and brands available from which I made a brief selection:
(CAN) 19Cartel: An emerging indie brand from my hometown.(JPN) Ambush: Japanese accessory brand.
(USA) Blvck Scvle: A little bit on the darker side.
(USA) Crooks n Castles: A must.
(UK) Dope Chef: Unique designer sports wear.
(USA) Dope Couture: Simple and basic.
(USA) HUF: Simple but fun.
(USA) Joyrich: Eccentric and crazy.
(USA) King Ice: Hip hop accessory store.
(UK) KTZ: Amazing high fashion.
(KOR) Nasty Palm: Korean must.
(USA-Int.) New Era: The all-time cap provider.
(USA) Odd Future: Tyler, the Creator's brand, weird and fun.
(KOR) Sakun: Cute sports wear.
(USA) Ssur: Slowly becoming a must, the original creator of the Comme des F*ckdown design.
(USA) STAMPD: Detailed and high quality.
(USA) Stüssy: Another must.
(USA) Supreme: Streetwear big name for years.
(USA) Moose Limited(USA) Karmaloop
(CAN) Ssense
(CAN) VFiles
(USA) RSVPGallery
(USA) PickYourShoes
(KOR) Hiphoper
(KOR) Musinsa
(KOR) Kwin Concept Shop
(JPN) Fake Tokyo
You can start out with that, but there are hundreds of brands and possible retailers to choose from, so be curious and research a little bit! Being interested in high fashion is a good thing too!
That's about it for this time, if you have questions don't hesitate to send a message to our tumblr or comment bellow!
Monday, February 10, 2014
If you live in Portugal you might have already noticed the terrible weather that is going on. I don't remember anything like this, here in Lisbon at least, in my 21 years of existance. Bad weather means that I'm not able to go outside do take pictures for the blog. Instead, I decided to do something that I've been holding off for a long time, talking about my favorite bloggers. I will from now on do this regularly until I've shown you all of them, and they will be divided into categories, such as "obvious favorites", "portuguese bloggers", etc... So, here is Part One. For this part I've come up with my "obvious" favorite bloggers: Angelica Blick, Aida Domenech from Dulceida, Nicole Warne from Gary Pepper, Aimee Song from Song of Style and, last but not least, Yara Michels from This Chick's Got Style (in no particular order). All of them are special in their own way so if you click on the link below you will be able to see pictures of them individually and read a bit more on them and why I like their blogs so much. Which is your favorite?
Se vivem em Portugal já devem ter reparado no vendaval que vai lá fora. Não me recordo de tantas tempestades deste género, em Lisboa pelo menos, nos meus 21 anos de existência. Mau tempo significa que não é possível ir lá fora tirar fotos para o blog. Sendo assim, decidi fazer um post sobre um assunto que ando a adiar há algum tempo, as minhas bloggers favoritas. A partir de hoje irei fazer alguns posts dedicados a este tema e serão dividos em categorias, como por exemplo "favoritas obvias", "bloggers portuguesas", etc... Portanto, aqui está a Parte 1. Para este primeiro post escolhi as minhas bloggers favoritas "obvias": Angelica Blick, Aida Monenech do blog Dulceida, Nicole Warne do blog Gary Pepper, Aimee Song do blog Song of Style e ainda a Yara Michels do blog This Chick's Got Style (sem qualquer ordem de preferência). Todas são me muito especiais à sua maneira por isso se quiserem saber um pouco mais sobre elas cliquem no link em baixo onde também poderão ver mais fotos de cada uma. Qual é a vossa favorita?
ANGELICA BLICK (www.angelicablick.se) - Sweden
Angelica is my absolute favorite. How could she not be? Her edgy, classy, alternative style just gets to me every time. Weather she's bringing a little ghetto into her style or get all dressed up for galas, she always nails it and never dissapoints. I want to be like her when I grow up ahah!
A Angelica é a minha blogger favorita de todas. Como poderia não o ser? O seu estilo edgy, clássico e alternativo apanha-me sempre. Desde roupas com um toque "ghetto" a vestidos de gala, ela acerta sempre e nunca desilude. Quero ser como ela quando crescer ahah!
DULCEIDA (www.dulceida.com) - Spain
Dulceida belongs in this group of bloggers not only for her unique style, but also because she just won a huge prize for Best Style Fashion Blog at the Stylight awards, which is a huge deal. She has such a fun style that it's so easy to be inspired by her looks.
A Dulceida pertence a este grupinho porque para além de ter um estilo tão próprio também ganhou um prémio nos Stylight Awards de Best Style Fashion Blog, que é fantástico. O estilo dela é tão divertido que é super fácil sentir-me inspirada pelos looks dela.
Nicole, besides being totally beautiful, always brings her own feel to things. Her outfits are just so special and exquisite. She is by far the classiest blogger I follow. She also has another great advantage, her boyfriend who takes AMAZING photos of her and the places they visit together.
A Nicole para além de ser linda de morrer, mete sempre o seu toque pessoal em tudo o que veste. Os seus outfits são sempre são especiais e requintados. Ela é, de longe, a blogger mais classy que sigo. Para além de tudo isto, ela ainda tem um namorado que tira fotos FANTÁSTICAS dela e dos sítios que visitam juntos.
SONG OF STYLE (www.songofstyle.com) - USA
Aimee Song is the ultimate style icon when it comes to putting things together you never would have thought of. She mixes patterns like no other and is an amazing interior designer. I love her blog for all the travelling and the closet, of course!
A Aimee Song é a ideia perfeita de icone de estilo no que toca a misturar padrões e estilos. Ela consegue conjugar cores como ninguém e é uma decoradora fantástica. Adoro o blog dela pelas viagens que faz e, como é óbvio, pelo seu armário!
THIS CHICK'S GOT STYLE (www.thischicksgotstyle.com) - Holland
Yara had to be included in this bunch. For a while now I've been reading her blog (really reading, not looking through pictures) and she has the most amazing tips on blogging, hairstyles, make-up, etc... She even has this segment on her blog that is called "Blogging Class" which I never miss. If you don't know her she is one to look out for, after all she is a features editor at Elle so she knows what she's talking about.
A Yara tinha que ser inserida neste grupo. Tenho vindo a ler o blog dela já há alguns anos (ler mesmo) e tenho a dizer que ela tem os melhores conselhos sobre blogs, cabelos, maquilhagem, etc... Ela até tem um segmento no blog que se chama "Blogging Class" que eu nunca perco. Se não a conhecem, têm que dar uma vista de olhos, afinal de contas ela é uma das Features Editor para a revista Elle, por isso ela sabe do que fala.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
1. OPI "Everyday is Oktoberfest" | 2. Booze for NYE | 3. Something big | 4. A little beauty shopping at Kiko Milano | 5. My favorite mug (well... duh!) | 6. Trying out some new shampoo and conditioner line from L'Oreal | 7. Motorcycle rides and freezing nights | 8. Coffee, my dearest friend | 9. This never ending drama | 10. Waiting for the Michael Bublé concert | 11. My cousin and I at Meo Arena for the concert | 12. A little somethin' I got in the mail (so excited)
So this is basically it for this month. Hope you liked it and don't forget to follow me on instagram: inesribeiro92
Monday, February 3, 2014
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Pictures by Sofia P. (1100Days) | Coat: Zara | Shirt: H&M | Jeans: Zara | Booties: Topshop | Scarf: Stradivarius | Bag: Mango |
After an entire month without posting a single outfit here I am back. I'm not quite done with my exams yet, but I'm getting there. A few months ago Zara was selling this coat for a special price and I was lucky enough to find it. I'm really glad I got it, it's so versatile and you can never have too much black coats in my view. It goes perfectly with this tartan scarf. It's been so chilly lately that there is no way you can walk out without one of these (even though I've been spending most of my days indoors). I hope you liked this outfit and look out for more posts to come!
Depois de um mês inteiro sem publicar um outfir no blog, aqui estou eu de volta. Ainda não estou propriamente despachada dos exames mas já esteve mais longe. Há uns meses a Zara fez das suas e meteu este casaco com um preço especial e eu felizmente consegui encontrar um. Adoro que seja preto e dê com tudo, acho que nunca temos casacos destes demais e fica perfeitamente com este cachecol. Tem estado tanto frio que é impossível sair de casa sem um conjunto deste género (apesar de passar a maior parte dos meus dias em casa a estudar). Espero que tenham gostado deste look!

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